Hello, my name is John

I'm a Software Engineer, Mentor, & Student

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I started programming in 2018 and since then I've dabbled with different frameworks and languages and built projects ranging from video games to web applications. Programming has allowed me to bring any of my ideas to life and that's what I enjoy most about it. With programming, I'm able to create, to learn, and to share the things that I'm passionate about. My end goal is to create and contribute to projects that speaks to everyone.



Check my code ->

A full stack web application for organizing and planning trips and vacations. Built with React, TailwindCSS, RTK, Django, and the Google Maps API.

screen image of project

Mental Note

Check my code ->

A web app that lets you receive and send notes to random people in the world. Built with the PERN stack along with GraphQL, TypeORM, Apollo, and Chakra UI.

mental note start screen